"In ancient times a bright naked-eye comet was the harbringer of ...doom, disease, disaster and death of rulers. Now the anticipated appearance of a great comet foretells a flood of books..." - David W. Hughes,Sky & Telescope, Feb '97. |
Comet H-B rose up from the outer southern reaches of our solar system passing upward across the ecliptic on approx Feb 1st '96. This location (282.5° or 12.5° Capricorn) signifies its north node and the message it brings to us. Referring to Dane Rudhyar's Sabian Symbols, we find 13° Cap to signify "'A Fire Worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of Existence.' A stage beyond life itself. Demonstrating man's WILL TO TRANSCENDENCE. Beyond cultural enjoyment and the passion for accumulation..."
Streaming sunward at a sharp inclination, Comet H-B reached perihelion on Apr. 1st, '97 at approx 3:14a GMT. Astrological longitude: 12° Taurus. Referring to S.S., it reads: "'A young Couple window-shopping.' The fascination of the youthful ego w/ the products of its culture. A phase of SOCIALIZATION OF DESIRES." Materialism. Greater emphasis placed on the newly purchased telescope rather than what can be viewed through the lens. Form over content.
Interestingly, H-B will be near the star Almach (g Andromeda) - from Al Alnak al Ard, a small Arabian badger (aardvark?). Robson's Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology sites this star to be "of the influence of Venus: Honour, eminence, & artistic ability." Perhaps a heighten sense for natural beauty. Could infer an appetite to the point of elitism for quality in goods, products & services. Contempt, scorn, pleasure, greed, passion are other choices; e.g., "...the passion for accumulation...".
Such possibilities remain to be seen...1st decade of 21st century brought great wealth, for some.
Signifying its ascending node, the message it brings to us and its S.S., we read 4° Aries: TWO LOVERS STROLLING ON A SECLUDED WALK...the stage of dynamic and unresolved POLARIZATION. Hence, the struggles, conflict & hopeful resolve of inner battles, which are then reflected outward, bringing peace, calm. As UNresolved, could bring greater strife, disharmony, commotion, & upheaval. The coming-to-a 'U.N.' -head situation in Syria and the actual dismantling, destroying of their chemical weapons. Iran elections brings a new leader, a member of the Cleric that is welcoming, wants open talks, discussions w/ the West... on a range of subjects. A new era of peace?
At 22° Pisces, Lemmon's perihelion, its closest approach to the Sun, brings us this message: DOWN A SYMBOLIC MOUNTAIN OF INDUSTRY COMES A NEW MOSES....Man's success in meeting the challenge of a new order. Codification of new values. Holding oneself to highest standards... A treaty, new rules of conduct within and without? Enviromental sanctity? True show of appreciation for the world's plebs/workers, low and middle class. Switzerland considering a minimum income of 2,500 Swiss francs ($2,800USD). A new Moses of Industry? Bill Gates being thrown to the curb?? Now what? Welll... Feb 4th, '14, Microsoft, after announcing the somewhat departure of Bill Gates, appoints a new CEO... Satya Narayana Nadella. He's been with them awhile, and he's one of the main developers of their CLOUD platform... THAT CAUGHT MY ATTENTION... like Moses..coming down from a mountain, out of a cloud...!! Trippy stuff.
For astronomy info see...
www.jpl.nasa.gov/comet/ Comet Hale-Bopp Home Page. See 'Astronomers Report The First Detection Of A Noble Gas [argon] In A Comet'. This explained the "unusually high brightness".
H-B pix were kindly provided by Anthony Mournian, a fine fellow.
CHIRON (Ki-ron)Are you aware of the mythology of Chiron? Mentor, healer, teacher of new ideas and ancient wisdom. Chiron was a gatherer of higher knowlwdge: the why behind what is. He, the gentle Centaur, had a handle on the deeper understanding and higher perspective of the world around us. |
In 1977 a minor planet was rediscovered w/ an orbit that lies between and yet touches both the orbits of Saturn (symbol of all that is known; the awareness of reality at any given time; limits) and Uranus (symbol of unconvention; new ideas; rebel). Chiron's use in astrology is that of a bridge or "key" to the door which leads to a new or better way of doing the same old shit. A transcendension from one order of consciousness and being to another higher order. Transmutation of the status quo.
Before we look into Chiron's present position I'll give you some examples of how he works. Keeping in mind Chiron has a 50 year cycle, each time he has entered the Zodiacal sign of Gemini a major technological breakthrough has occured using electricity that has totally changed the way we live. 1833: the development of the telegraph. 1883: the first tungsten lightblub. 1933: radio and the advent of movies w/ talking pictures. 1983: increased world communication via computers and microwave transmissions.
Take into regard the years 1986 & up until June of '95, Chiron was running an opposition (in the sky) to Saturn. Due to this opposition reality had only a slight chance of crystalizing. This period was a chance to flux/flex our reality potential, to propagate our creativity, for making a dream come true and the world a safer place to be - with our feet somewhat planted on Earth, to reach for Heaven. Ask yourself: did it play out as predicted?
Chiron, as the mentor/inspirator of healing techniques, we've already seen in just the last year ('02) new, hopeful advances in AIDS and cancer research; some of it using or borrowing from ancient remedies. Compounds that take into account not only the physical workings/chemistry of the body, but the emotions/spirit and mental chemistry also. Chiron gives us the whole package. In fact (Jan '03), WHO requests phramaceutical companies lower prices on cancer drugs for those in 3rd world countries. MAJOR UPDATE: Apr 29th, '03 (Reuters News) - "GlaxoSmithKline Plc, the world's largest maker of HIV/AIDS drugs, said on Monday it had nearly halved the price of its leading Combivir treatment in poor countries to 90 U.S. cents a day. The move is the latest sign the international pharmaceutical industry is bowing to pressure to improve access to life-saving antiretroviral medicines in Africa and other parts of the developing world where AIDS has hit hardest. Activists have recently been joined in demanding such action by leading investors, who fear a failure to respond adequately could damage company reputations and jeopardize future profits..."
Think about this: The last time Chiron was in Capri was the early 50's, when it was a vaccine for polio. Then too there were small pox, TB, tetanus, and something from simple bread mold. Though these were discoveries stemming from WWII, they were brought into the public sector in the late 40's and thoughout the 50's. Cap and Cancer are the male and female signs of family, home, and hearth. For Capri these become institutions, a written-in-stone belief system. Thus Capri has the reputation for being conservative, a non-risk taker; focusing on security and holding the status quo. And brother, does all hell break loose when Chiron wanders into the next sign... of Aquarius.
Aquarius, the sign of unconventional thinking, thoughts and ideas; the sign of the innovator, inventor; of IBM and Xerox. The thinking machines, nuclear research ("duck and cover" and kiss your ass bye-bye); the sign of groups and group ideas, organizations that strive to uplift humanity around the globe. Brotherhood. Instant world access thru computers, the Internet, world wide web & social media.
During Chiron in Aquarius, there WAS -late 1950's- and is an interest in all things avante-garde; you with me Daddy-o? Beatniks. Rock and Roll and the Birth of the Cool. Therefore and to wit, look again for what may be termed an anti-establishment (read: anti-Capri) movement. Throw out the old, stuffy and conservative. Are you getting the picture? Do you see a pattern? Example, Calif's Prop 8 in 2008, Vermont in 2009 and many other States of the Union voting on gay rights/marriage. People, humanity in the streets with one central idea: We the People.
And as Chrion floats thru Pisces...Exploring new states of mind, enlightenment and confusion. New types of drugs and their use: For good or bad. New drug laws voted in by the majority in favor of personal medicinal (18 States and D.C.) and even recreational use of cannabis (WA, CO & Calif!)...Arizona's first legal medical marijuana dispensary opens 12/06/12 in Phoenix suburb of Glendale. Land's sakes. A new era of budding Flower Power. '...the power of da flower, the power of LOVE!'
Chiron's past/current positions:
in Cancer>>>'88-'91. In Feb '88 Chiron was seen to brighten, a coma or halo began to develop. By Dec 1990 its coma or tail extended 3,500 miles. Holy cometoid!
in Leo>>>'91-'93
in Virgo>>>'93-'95
in Libra>>>'95-'97. Chiron reaches closet point to Sun (perihelion) at 14Libra04 on Feb 14, 1996 18:06 UT.
in Scorpio>>>'97-'99
in Sagittarius>>>'99-'01
in Capricorn>>>'02-'05
in Aquarius>>>'06-'10
in Pisces>>>'11-'18
in Aries>>>'19-'26
in Taurus>>>'27-'34
For more info contact Z.B. Stein at www.zanestein.com/chiron_a.htm "Chiron & Friends"
Solar Eclipses and their shadow trail:
Jan 4th, 2011>>>>Most of northern Africa, much of Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. And so begins a wave of demonstrations, riots, & protests. Tunisia, then Egypt -on 25th, January 2011- becoming a part of the much larger "Arab Spring".
July 1st>>>>Antarctica
Nov 25th>>>>South Pole
May 20th, 2012>>>>Southeast China, Hong Kong, Taipei, Tokyo, across Pacific, to Calif/Ore border, down thru central Nevada, north Arizona, New Mexico, & Texas
Nov 13th>>>>North Australia/Darwin out into south Pacific
Aug 21st, 2017>>>>Draws a swath from north Oregon thru the Plains states and move off the east coast at S. Carolina. Run from bout 1015a PDT to 250p EDT... about 1&1/2hrs total to cross continent USA.
Let's take note...
As for the USA, July 4th 1776 approx 3p Philly, PA.. ?? I use a Scorpio rising birth/horoscope. Simple to me, we have the phoenix/eagle as our national symbol.. Presidential seal, the Great Seal etc etc.. a 16deg Scor Asc, a 26deg Leo MC.. Also places our wacky 'i think maybe i like you'.. Aquarian Moon in the 3rd, alllmost on the 4th H cusp..maybe tweak the time a bit?? 257p?? ie, turn the clock/chart back & get that Moon in the 4th house..so 'I'll take care of EVERYBODY>>!!' also, this author finds ronnie raygun's aquarian ideas, temperment meshed well -at least for some.. with this chart.. he also had Scor Asc..
The current upheaval and strange going-on in this country's 2016 election.. is perfectly reflected in the planets above.. ah yess... or vice versa.. no matter.. First off, simply put.. Pluto in Capricorn.. transfiguration, death and rebirth trans- mutation of loonggnnngg standing institutions.. that reason it's call the GOP.. the GRRAAAND OLLLE' PARTY. Of course, it really didnt exist till bout 1854 or so... ok well, still as one can observe, it's perhaps curtains for them.. Or maybe they'll transmute.. after all the US once had a Whig party.. now default/ gone. or morphed into the Repub party?
What the world's experiencing -as spoken & written by many astrologers- is the Uranus, Pluto square (chaotic shit)... hints of which we had in mid- '08 & '09, then by 2010 was in full force (the author uses a 6deg orb). Now 6yrs later, Uranus has surged ahead so it SEEMs to no longer apply.. though we will or may? experience it's shredding remnants early '17 and finally early '18.. But wait, there's more.. and this MOST important, when in July '17, transiting Uranus in Aries will sqr USA's NATAL Pluto in Capricorn at 27deg33. Uranus then turns SR (stationary retrograde) early Aug at 28Aries31, then back over... and will stay w/in orb of that sqr thru June, July, Aug & Sept..
In fact, this article though primarily an eclipsical warning of possible times ahead.. seems or behooves us?? to include some words re: the chaotic instability of Uranus. As stated... a long slow sqr.. then turns SD (stationary direct) New Yrs Day, '18 ticking off the degrees, steadily plodding into Taurus.. then SR again and BACK INTO Aries.. and very odd and full cycle, goes SD in early '19 at 28aries36 .. still/all w/in orb (6deg) of squaring USA's natal Pluto.
I guess what freaks me out is this 'exact' transit/natal sqr happens w/in a month of the Aug 21st eclipse at 28Leo53. Number of degrees from Leo to Cap?? 150deg; an angle or aspect of known tension, needed release, resolve and change.. like bamm bamm bamm.. first the long occur sqr, then the transit/natal sqr and THEN this eclipse/natal inconjunct (150deg).. So as was the case in 1770's, so too 250 yrs latr (one plutonian orbit about the sun), .... a new?? government is formed. And lest THAT wasnt enough...
This coming eclipse will land pretty much right on the nation's MC (10th House cusp) and strongly oppose our collective natal Aquarius Moon; gives the same interpretation, reiterates same story (as Pluto in Cap).. change, upheaval of governmental long standing institutions. Perhaps prepare and or instill inspire encourage create some/a bit of "I'm (we're) as mad as hell, and I'm (we're) not going to take this anymore" turn of events??? (though any type of demo rally or march on Wash DC has me thinking of Dick Cheney's infamous reply.. 'So?') On the OTHER hand.. we might see experience a new form of BIG BROTHER, in a good way... 'Neighborhood Watch' being reformed, revisited.. people fed up w/ people's or the public's or to reiterate.. the GOVERNMENT's lawlessness. bad behavior. And taking action to correct, abolish it. See Preamble, Declaration of Independence ... (excerpt follows:)
'..it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
...all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.'
Jan. 24, 1986, scientists at the Jet Propulsion Lab., Pasadena, Calif. are poised as the "visual" manifestation of distant Uranus and its moons are made a conscious realization. They didn't find much we, as astrologers didn't already know: Eccentric, unorthodox, unpredictiable - possessing strange magentic forces, wavelengths and frequencies. Thus Uranus, perpetrator of the Aquarian Age, ruler of static vibration, the airwaves, T.V., radio, the electrical impulses of the body and spine, and (un)natural electromagentic fields. Hence, mass-media Aquarian stuff: groups, common ideas and goals.
Here then are the photos, transmitted across millions and millions of miles. The public learns of the event via the News media, Uranus is now closer than ever. We, on the other hand, have only begun to assimilate the scope of new knowledge that awaits us beyond the orbit/barrier/restriction of Saturn (!). It's gonna be quite different then what has up to now been known to be certain out there. Will Neptune ever be known? "I'll see it when I believe it." And I suspect that Pluto is larger than the small area of light it reflects. (Recent update: Sky & Telescope, 5/96, pg 10; "Peeking at Pluto".)
Meanwhile, back here on itty-bitty Gia, our subconscious, to our very core, is very much aware that Uranus (Greek for Heaven) has come to Earth. When Heaven unites with Earth creation takes place, a new life is born. See I Ching hexagram #1 - Creative and #2 - Receptive; together which form #3 - Difficulty at the Beginning. The space between Heaven and Earth is filled w/ chaos, sudden, abrupt disfunctions, and chaotic whirlwinds.
Truly I see this as the planted seed of the Aquarian Age. The tragedy of the Challenge(r), the Challenge of the Tragedy is keeping PEACE uppermost in one's thoughts. We all saw it and we wished their souls a smooth yet quick transition - to not fear, for it would be our fear. All of us saw 7 people die (poof). Where'd they go? If we never thought about what was on the other side of reality (Saturn)...we prayed and prayed and prayed and called on every ounce of love and faith we could muster; to heal the wound of our vulnerability as we contemplated the shocking uncertainty of living, so as to not shrink in fear but to "go where no one has gone before". This whole situation is a total Aquarian concept.
Heaven has come to Earth. Subconsciously we know it and we know what it means; so now, whether consciously or pawnedly we make the transition to......
P.S. We are all in a position of power; to exist in/on the material plane is a position of power. Any misuse of power, personal or otherwise will not go unnoticed for long. Evil destroys itSelf - capital S. That stands for Sally and rhymes with Halley......but that's another story. See ya on the Funway.
And don't forget Aquarius' motto: I love humanity, it's people I can't stand.
Oh Columbia
Shuttle, shuttle in the sky,
Shuttle, shuttle my oh my,
17 long years nearly to the day,
17 and sad to go in such a way
Just days before, the Moon had conjunct Pluto in Sagittaruis, a very explosive mix. The following Friday morning, the Moon had been in Aquarius for approx 1 hour. And Uranus, in Aquarius was no doubt sparking off some of the following sensitive points:
In Jan/Feb of '86 there was a planet group in mid and late Aquarius and no doubt an inconjunct from the Virgo Moon; the pure cleansing power of Pluto (in Scorpio) was reaching its closest point to Earth; Uranus consciousness (in Sagittarius) -across a great expanse of space and in concentrated form- had come to Earth via TV/Voyager pix....Reagan must had been giddy with anticipation, that Tuesday morning Jan 28th, preparing to deliver his State of the Union speech before the World - all those planets in his Sun sign, how could that not be good? That's Aquarius thinking for ya: If a little is good, more is better. "Damn the torpedoes, full-speed ahead; Tell 'em to give one for the Gipper".
Well in astrology, no; not 5 planets and 2 asteroids and a very well-known comet. One would think he would had known better. Nope, he's the President: All stupid, redundant and asleep at the wheel...
Here are some two-people Sun-sign combinations not considered in many books, but still may exist in reality. Though what may appear as a mismatch of qualities, there does exist a subtle, intrinsic similarity to each pair.
VIRGO (Earth)/AQUARIUS (Air): Virgo's intense mental analysis of current reality finds definition in an Aquarian's ideas and plans of the perfect world.
AQUARIUS (Air)/CANCER (Water): Aquarius' moments of humanitarianism effervesces Cancer's concern for nurturance and protection of others.
CANCER (Water)/SAGITTARIUS (Fire): Good feelings. Good Humour. A love for humankind. One big happy family.
SAGITTARIUS (Fire)/TAURUS (Earth): Good food. Good eats. An epicurean taste for the finer, cultivated things in life.
TAURUS (Earth)/LIBRA (Air): A Libran appreciation for aestheically pleasing thoughts, actions and surroundings finds value and acceptance with Taurus. Camaraderie.
LIBRA (Air)/PISCES (Water): Mutual attainment of spiritual high progresses into a state of bliss and ethereality. Where all is nothing and inaction a way of life. Tao.
PISCES (Water)/LEO (Fire): The Entertainers. Leo plays a role. Pisces is the role. Leo: "To be..." Pisces: "...or not to Be." Any questions? Pisces: "Oh yes please, ask us a question." Leo: "And turn on that spotlight, will you?" Romance.
LEO (Fire)/CAPRICORN (Earth): Intensity Warning. All other signs keep clear of this combo. They'll put you to work; and Leo's such a charmer. Good financiers.
CAPRICORN (Earth)/GEMINI (Air): Dynamic Duo. Though it may sound funny to the ear, Gemini's skill for creative ananchronism lends credence to Capricorn's mission of purpose.
GEMINI (Air)/SCORPIO (Water): Subtle sweetness. Oh, we're having so much fun influencing the environment. And we do it so well, no one even minds or takes notice. "La-de-da"/"Join me, Luke Skywalker".
SCORPIO (Water)/ARIES (Fire): Danger-Danger. Sparks fly. Who's to die? Scorpio sez, "It's you (Aries) or I". The Procreators.
ARIES (Fire)/VIRGO (Earth): We are the World. We are the BEST. We can do anything, so get out of our way!