Time & again I've pondered the inspired feeling to contemplate the quality of the Major and Minor aspects. I find that to some degree they, in their interpretation, resemble a quality of a certain planet. Now, I put to paper my thoughts and flow of ideas for the reader to scrutinize.

This planetary relation to aspects and chakras borne out of a larger research project on the history of the hepatonic (7-tone) scale. The number 7 seems signifigant to the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent. 7 planets (the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter) were in use and incorporated into all aspects of their lives (myth, music, math). Further east in the Indus Valley of west India, cultures utilized 7 major chakras. Currently, each weekday is named from these self-same 7 planets!

In astrology, these planets, along with the signs, houses, and aspects have a positive and negative expression. For example, Jupiter can be happy or melancholy; Saturn, disciplined or grouchy, and I suppose one could continue and relate these 7 planets to the 7 Dwarfs. However, for now, let's begin with a brief explanatory romp through the 7 major aspects.

TRINE - Harmonious interchange leading to growth. Ease and abundance.

INCONJUNCT - Fluctuation, test of wills, compromise, trade-off, "neurotic aspect".

OPPOSITION - Grave conflict or great growth, push-pull energy. Awareness and objectivity.

CONJUCTION - Blending all the qualites indicated by the specific combination. Power and intensity.

SEMI-SEXTILE - Permits ease, initial harmony. First step of cooperative effort.

SEXTILE - Cooperative activity. Opportunity for harmonious and creative combinations.

SQUARE - Dynamic tension, challenges. Growth as a result of stress.

The Square's glyph is - just that - a [ ]. It is a box and represents a condition of limitation and thus it was the square that set my curiosity going. The Square can be aggravating, frustrating and restrictive; a continual source of unpleasantness. It also is an opportunity for personal growth and understanding. It is a challenge in one's life and indicative of one's life-lessons. It reminded me of good ol' Saturn - boxed-in. The sqr indicates the area of one's life from which come lessons and challenges for personal growth. motif

Personally, I use six of these seven aspects, sans the semi-sextile. Nevertheless, one thing that strikes as interesting, each aspect is 30° from another. Plus, seven recalls fulfils our original motive. Let's try another: the Conjunction.

The Conjunction's glyph appears as a circle with a short line attached. Could this relate to Mars? The Conjunction delineates a step-up in energy, a synergy. Or could it relate to the Sun? No conclusion, let's move on to the Opposition.

So much of astrology is based upon polarity; not only to each sign's expression but in regards to the actual placement of the signs in the Zodiac. The Opposition appears as two opposing circles; a confrontation, an interaction, a conflict requiring a resolution of balance, a compromise. Libra is the sign of "the other". Its polarity is Aries - the sign of the complete individual. Venus, with its affiliation to Libra and Taurus, exemplifies appreciation. In order to interact with something or to have and possess, it must be outside of you, it must be separate from you; this then is the Opposition. It is the perfect archetype of this idea; not like the conjunction, which is more Self-involved, more all-encompassing like the Sun. Let's pause and review.


Could Mars then, based upon our definitions, be thought as a Semi-sextile? Like half-sexy? Part jerk, part charmer? "First step, initial harmony": Possibly. Could Jupiter equate with the sextile? Yes & no. Beside the obvious psychological need for pleasure, sextile is a Latin term implying six. Though, according to the Chinese system, Sagittarius correlates to the meridian of circulation/ sex/ pericardium. The aspect of itself implies opportunity. Be that as it may, if all this be true, this follows:


This line-up, this planetary sequence denotes planetary speed. The Moon moves the fastest, Mercury, second fastest; through to Saturn, the slowest. It is the array utilized by the ancients. So too we append with another ancient belief system: the Chakras.

Chakra means wheel. A spinning wheel, an energy vortex, receivers of cosmic energy. They are thought as quite real and utilized in the art of eastern meditation. We will focus upon 7 of these chakras: CROWN, THIRD EYE, THROAT, HEART, SOLAR PLEXUS, SPLENIC, and SACRAL. Reading through the standard definitions as put forth in Companions in Spirit by Leah Garfield (pp. 9-23), I began to formulate a correspondance between this info and the aforementioned 7 planets.

Refering to the HEART chakra, locus of spirit & truth, we position the Sun, the Life force. Why not at the "SOLAR" PLEXUS? Because it is a more outward motion, a radiant projection of self expressing creative will power. Moving to the SACRAL. Jupiter? Saturn? It's the chakra of foundation, of the Earth, stability, reliability, the base, certainty/continuity of existence. Sounds like Saturn.

Companions in Spirit states the 2nd chakra, the SPLENIC, is "the center of shared emotions; intimacy". Being so close to the sex organs it follows to include trust, vulnerability, perhaps faith - one's physical connection to the higher source, the unknown. The planet Jupiter seems apropos. Very outward as Sagittarius, very apprehensive as Pisces. Coincidentally, the SPLENIC is the source of the immune system, co-ruled by Jupiter. The Greeks thought the rain was Zeus piss.

Moving up to the THIRD EYE - home of the sixth sense, inner vision, & telepathy - no other planet better fits the description than Mercury, the winged-messenger.

O.K., let's review


Could then the Moon, planet of sensitivity & "feelings" be positioned at the Crown? Mars, planet of action & initiative, at the Solar Plexus? Venus at Throat? So:


Once again, this fits not only the descriptions but there is an absolutely amazing logic to the sequence. Its simplicity is astounding.
Keep this relation in mind when next you approach your chart or that of a friend's for interpretation; or as you sit & contemplate the planets of Astrology. Keep in mind that the Moon is like unto a radar dish sitting atop your head gathering in cosmic who-ha. Remember those Egyptian tomb drawings? The horns of Hathor aren't just horns of a bull but the horns of the crescent Moon.* That Jupiter is intimacy. That in its expansion, it shares and hence the humanitarian. It exaggerates. Contradictorily, due to its rulership of the liver, it also expresses societally negative emotions; e.g., anger, apprehension.

State the days of the week in reverse order: starting w/ Wed. T, M, S, S, F, T. Planetarily translates to Mercury, Mars, Moon, Sun, Saturn, Venus, and Jupiter. That, I believe, is the way our vital energy flows from one chakra to another, from one state of conscious being to another. 3rd eye, solar plex, crown, heart, sacral, throat, & finally firmally splenic.

Establishing a link between planet and chakra broadens our scope, deepens our understanding, our knowledge of the definable universe. It also emphasizes the interconnectiveness of various culture's belief systems & our common beginnings. Nearly all of them came up w/ a system using 7; all came up w/ a system incorporating the circle, the triangle, the cross, the square. Like a course in comparative religion, as one travels back, as one digs deep into humanity's beginnings there are many more similarities than differences. What some may allude to as a collective of similar consciousness. What do you think?

*Horned headress=divine crown, "Head of a Goddess", BAR Mar/Apr '88 Vol XIV #2, pg 31. Also "Cows Bound for the Moon", Sky &Telescope Dec '95, pp 60-1,Lunar Myths and Symbols by Carl Hentze and T. Jacobsen's The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion, p 122 "...wearing...... prince's headdress,..."; p 181 "...the horns of his crown looking up...".

For a summation, see Composite Chart.


You awake not knowing why you feel "off", but you are. You turn on your favorite music to "center-by", visualize some appropriate colour upon your chakras and you're on your way!
Many have devised a relation between Astrology and the human body by sign (Aries/head, Taurus/throat, etc.) or planet (Sun/heart, Jupiter/liver, etc.); hence the field of study known as Medical Astology. What this article promises to be is another step beyond that presently in use and yet has its roots firmly planted in the past. The following bore out of my research on music therapy and Companions in Spirit by L. Garfield & J. Grant, pp 9-23.

We will deal with the 7 major chakras: CROWN, THIRD EYE, THROAT, HEART, SOLAR PLEXUS, SPLENIC, and SACRAL. The colours: which are 6 in number - though it doesn't really matter how many we use - with RED at the root and VIOLET at the crown.
What I've stated so far is not new. And there are many books on description of the Chakras: Crown - gathering place of white light/link with God, instinct; Third eye - home of the sixth sense, intuition, telepathy; Throat - power of the spoken word, verbal appreciation; Heart - locus of spirit, love/compassion,truth; Solar plexus - radiant projection of self expressing creative will power; Splenic - physical connection to the higher source, the unknown, faith, trust, intimacy; Sacral - "physicalness", one's connection to Earth's plane, certainty/continuity of existance.

But what if I were to suggest a way to associate the planets of your natal birth chart, your personal horoscope to these 7 major chakras? Farfetched? What's there to gain? Primarily, it offers a visual reference and quick sumation of one's present-life idiosyncracies, allowing an objective standpoint in regards to self-knowledge. Secondly, it facilitates one's understanding of the interconnectiveness & wholeness of the totality.

It's really quite simple, and the more we use it the easier it wil be to use. First, pull out your horoscope. Somewhere on that wheel you'll see the numbers 1-12, I'm assuming they'll indicate the 12 houses. Now, let's pretend that the second house (the Taurus house) represents the First Chakra; maybe mark it with a pencil. The twelth house (the Pisces house) is the Second Chakra. The eleventh house (the Aquarius house ) is the Third Chakra. The ninth house (the Sagittarius house) is the Fourth Chakra. The seventh house (the Libra house) is the Fifth Chakra. Are you following me? The sixth house (the Virgo house) is the Sixth Chakra. (Maybe there's more to Mercury than today's Astrology would have us know; Hermetic wisdom and all that.) And the fourth house (the Cancer house) is the Seventh Chakra.

It's one thing to read the second house in regards to personal assets and self-worth, but to think that the planets within the second house colour or act as a filter on the innerworkings of the First Chakra gives us a whole new perespective and literally uncovers another dimension to our self-understanding. For example: Moon in the sixth house would suggest a nervous stomach and intensify the intuitive receptivity of the Sixth Chakra -- the two are similiar. Or Venus in the eleventh would modify the outward expression of the will (the Third Chakra) with love and appreciation -- "I love everybody!". Sun, Mercury, Venus all in the fourth house would possibly subjectify the Seventh Chakra a bit more that it should be. Of course, there's always the possibility one or more Chakra/houses are void of planets. Not to worry; they're working normally, just not as accentuated as those repleted.

Take for instance the last example of the previous paragraph. With all those personal planets in the fourth house/Seventh Chakra, I would be of the opinion this person check themselves for religious fanaticism. And, since this is the Cancer house, they'll display a tendency to be sensitive to the outer environment and criticism. Maybe even a touch of uppityness, royalty above the commoner, the plebs. Or taking on the ardent task of selective nurturance of the world; being possessed by a discriminating remembrance of deeds sustain, be they good or bad. It's only when the trait gets out-of-hand, over-subjectivization. This person well might say to themselves, "Here I go again, I think I'm better than anyone else because I've so many planets (in the fourth house) subjectifying my link to God". This, hopefully would instill some semblance of humility. Not only by being in the presence of God/the Force, but more so, by being endowed with the blessed gift of that connection. But how does one objectify? Well, besides the use of direct mental reprograming or auditory affirmations, there's another alternative less intrusive and probably used by most of us -- though unaware.

This is the application of COLOUR. It's everywhere. When we awake -- what are the first colours we see? When we step outside -- what's the colour of our world? Our wardrobe -- does it show a perference for a certain colour or combination? We naturally surround ourselves with the colours essential to fulfill our present needs and desires.
In regards to the foregoing example, our link with God can be objectified and yet strengthened by applying the colour VIOLET -- in our clothing, our furnishings and other nic-nacs to which we environ ourselves (by the way, my toothbrush is purple). Amethyst quartz crystal is another source and is known to really do the job -- breaks down structure and moves one to a higher place, so be careful. I recall, 1985, a big push by big-chain department stores for lavender, violet, and purple clothing. This, in answer to a subconscious need to enhance our instinct and intuition -- preparing us for things to come: like the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. Interesting how it works out.

As shown in the chart, RED, one of the slower moving colours, is associated with the Root (1st) or Sacral Chakra. Moving through the 2nd and 3rd Chakras -- the area of the Stomach and Intestines -- alot of restaurants use a red and orange motif to get our juices flowing. On up through GREEN, BLUE, and again VIOLET. Each Colour, each Chakra correlating to a bodily function and psychological state, vibrating/spinning a little faster that the one previously below. (I make no claim to whether there are 6, 7, 8, or even 10 definite colours -- because colour, like sound is on a continuous band. Look at any rainbow. Each colour bleeding into and out of the next. No lines, no distinctions. Use the variation of a colour that works best for you.)
As stated in the previous paragraph concerning the use of violet, we can either physically surroud ourselves or, mentally, with the mind's eye surround ourselves with the appropriate colour. And once again, we could either visualize violet hanging-out at our Crown Chakra or we could undergo a more considersable dosage by mentally bathing our entire selves in violet light; but please be careful. Very high and very low frequencies (ultraviolet/X-rays and infrared/heat lamps) tend to do a real number on physical structure (violet=violence?). Sound works in the same way, very high and very low tones break-up structure. We still have so much to learn about all this. Rule of thumb: A little goes a long way.

In conclusion, use your horoscope and the general descriptions of the Chakras to find your areas of weakness and over-emphasis. Before you decide yea or nay, give these ideas a try. Ask others, see if it works for them. The worst it could do is an increase of choices and freedom over who and what we will be.


This monograph is a by-product of music-history research.

Beginning with the standard colour to sign relation; i.e., Aries = red; Gemini = orange; Leo = yellow, finding their individual tone was a matter of dropping colour freq down to the realm of sound. I also established a fundamental tone for each of the 7 ancient planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, & Saturn. Keep in mind, these two systems, ideas were worked out separately of the other. However, & here's the key statement, once the two systems were compared the correspondance was astounding.

Venus>>Libra 'C'; Mercury>>Virgo 'B'; Moon>>Cancer 'A'; Jupiter>>Pisces 'F'
Nothing new here.

To reiterate: Two systems, one dealing w/ tones for signs, the other relating tone to planet, when placed side by side reconfirmed a correspondance in existence for centuries. Let's see to the others.

Saturn established itself w/ Taurus, 'G'. Saturn/Cronos/Ninurta, god of the plough, god of the farmer. God of the spring flood. A defender against outer foes, the righter of internal wrongs; hence to become the Lord of Karma. The god of judgement and administration. It is he by which "everything is accomplished and the rituals and schedules are not changed"*. E.g., the Nile Valley spring floods correspond to Taurus in the Solar year. The entire motif of Saturn is slow-moving, it pertains to time -- the consistant perpetuality, rock-wearing, all-conquering, flesh-eating worm of time. The water buffalo steadily trods. Cool, huh?
*See T. Jacobsen's The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesopotamian Religion, pp.127 - 134.

Mars sits itself in Aquarius, 'E'. Mars, planet of impetus, starts, originality, seedlings, spark of creative genius, initiative. Not so unusual when we recall the astronomical glyph for Uranus is like unto Mars/Transpluto. It's also used by European astrology community. Both refer to creation, energetic movement, and initiation.

The Sun shines down from on high in Sagittarius = Utucagaba - the Light of the White Face, Udgudua - the Smiting Sun Face, Pa & Xut - Dayspring. See Allen's Star-Names & their Meanings, pg 354 and the aforementioned Treasures, pg 134. Utu = righteousness. According to Sayce in Astronomy & Astrology of the Babylonians, pg 171, Phoenician title of Jupiter was gad "good fortune"; Isaiah lxv 65:11 guttaw = (semitic) gad "luck". Thus: Gad zukes! great zeus; ye gads! the gods. Of the 12 tribes of Is-ra-el, Gad takes to Sagittarius. There is gad and god and good. Up-right and virtuous. The Egyptian RA and Akkadian ISARTU agree w/ Sun as Supreme - normal, upright, straight-up-standing. The Sun, Ra(!), became figured primarily in their pantheon of beliefs because it had no equal (polarity); i.e., the Sun was middle or pivot point, the planetary balance point to the seven planetary line-up. Moon/Saturn; Mer/Jup; & Venus/ Mars. Moscati refers to arrangement of supreme gods in Heliopolis text: Water, earth, sun, then others in mated couples, pg 121. C.G. Jung saw the Sun as a green-gold, the expression of the life-spirit, the Anthropos animating the whole cosmos.* The Sun is synonymous w/ the heart chakra. Sun, a.k.a Utu, Shamash, Ra.
*Jung, C.G.Memories, Dreams, Reflections, Aniela Jaffe, ed.; R. & Clara Winston, trans.; Vintage Books N.Y. 1965, pg 211

And the other 5 signs? Well, it's not my intention to disrupt the status flow quo, simply seeking root truths. So:

Neptune>>>Aries: the One god

Uranus>>>Leo: that works, creative self-expression

Pluto>>>Gemini: communication on the atomic level. See Nauman's The American Book of Nutrition & Med-Astro, pg 11; also, Sampson A. Mackey's Mythological Astronomy of the Ancients Demostrated, pg 123: "Now Gemini is a sign of violence for it is the evil counsellor of the 'Twin Sign'. It is said that 'instruments of cruelty' or 'weapons of war' are in their hands. 'In their anger they resorted to murder, and in great wrath...'"

Transpluto >>> Capricorn: God of elemental Earth

Lilith>>>Scorpio: Highest level of unattached, emotional caring for the social good.

Well? What say you?

For a summation, see Composite Chart.


After I finished reading Numerology for the New Age by Lynn M. Buess, I toyed w/ the idea of putting these numbers 1 - 9, 11, 22, 33 to the 12 signs of the Zodiac. Afterall, if, according to Buess, 1 is INDIVIDUALITY and 2 is COOPERATION, isn't that Aries and Libra? So what of 3?

The author states 3 is concerned w/ SELF-EXPRESSION (Creativity); in its most perfect state it's intuitive, joyful, sociable, possess a gift of speech. I can't form a conclusion: Next.

The number 4 is all about DISCIPLINE (Work). When in its fully actualized state it is consistant, patient, fulfills a given task, sticks to facts, is organized & economical, but can also be stubborn, too serious, & narrowminded. Sounds possibly like Virgo.

5? It represents FREEDOM (Change). Quick, flexible, adventurous, curious, I mate it to Leo.

And so we come to 6 RESPONSIBILITY(Service) described as having a harmonious home, is unselfish, artistic in taste, but can also be a constant complainer, carries too many burdens, worrisome, self-rightous, domestically dictatorical. Could this be Cancer? I feel so.

7 WISDOM (Detachment) seeks deeper truths, excellent analyst, has stoic temperament, poise, is discerning. However, is also cold, suppressive, skeptical, severely critical, and faultfinding. It's Taurus.

8 AUTHORITY(Power) is Capricorn: Executive ability, respects wealth, administrates w/ consideration; over-ambitious, crassly materialistic, callous, fears failure.

9 ALTRUISM(Compassion) is generous, seeks world brotherhood & harmony, inspired, attuned to New Age concepts, indiscreet, over-idealistic, aimless, & gullible is Sagittarius.

11 REVELATION is inventive, unites spiritual Truth to material plane, a gifted channel, over-zealous, lacks practical realities, attacks dissimilar viewpoints, over-reacts to criticism. Hey, it's Gemini.

22 SACRED STRUCTURALIZATION integrates higher wisdom into organizational administration, puts universal goal ahead of self pride, exaggerates info., promotes hasty causes, resents lack of recognition, unable to adapt self to group needs is, of course Aquarius.

Pisces denotes UNIVERSAL SERVICE: Sympathetic, good counselor, has concern for welfare of masses, a kind of cosmic parent or guardian, forceful in attempts to serve, intolerant of differing mores & opinions, backs down from own position to have harmony, hides from positions of responsibility; and is given the number 33. Well??

And don't overlook the possibility of incorporating these traits as a part of natal description.

For a summation, see Composite Chart.

Composite Chart for Qualities of 7

I was in the process of finding the "common denominator" to various cultures' ancient truths or belief systems; building, centering one's life upon these systems. In fact I became convinced all concepts, ideas, personalities and facets would/could fall under the domain of these 7 planetary archetypes. Correlating these 7 planets to the 7 chakras/tones/aspects/etc. is a by-product of this search.
150MercuryB3rd Eye6Virgo4Doc
30MarsESo Plex11Aquari22Dopey

The thin line between genius & insanity is natally aspected between 72 & 75 degrees.