the ANKH (änk)

We are lacking in our interpretation due to our lack of knowledge or lack of connection to the deeper meaning and understanding of these symbols that are obtained through our subconscious. (Even though it seems these symbols are slightly altered according to the current polit., spirit., and economic needs and desires.) Thus the Egyptian ANKH generally represents "life" is short and shallow in its scope of interpretation. This author believes, its similar symbolic rendering to Venus, Ishtar, Inanna infers an appreciation for "all life" and a subjective perspective in seeing and creating beauty in ones surroundings, enhancing the appearance of one surroundings. Spirit inspiring matter to increasingly more perfect forms of expression. Nefertiti = beautiful tits ??

What others have written does no justice, yet alone come close to understanding the inner workings and phil. of the Egyptian mind: Only seem to glorify death. But let us add, in that it was a simple reflection of how they felt, smelled, breathed, & tasted LIFE! Egyptian government/priesthood, but most importantly, the people mastered the fine art of life, of living, of total appreciation. What historians tell us the ANKH symbolizes doesn't even begin to tell the tale [divine honour, organic relationship, spirit of benevolent tolerance]. Egyptians appreciated life and mourned death, but did it w/ the fullness of every pore......

The ANKH in Egyptian mythology is life: power over life. I think that's close but falls short. Knowing how the various empires of the ancient Near East were religious copy-cats, it comes to no surprise to find the ANKH in the persona of Inanna, Ishtar and later as Aphrodite of the Greeks and Venus of the Romans. Though her overall personality remained the same, certain details of what she represented changed depending on the culture: As Ishtar w/ the Assyrians, she was more warlike, bringing death as well as life. As the Sumerian Inanna/Earth Mother, she was seen not only as the fertility goddess, but "physical life-appreciation" goddess. Well known are the countless statues and relics of her holding out her breasts in adornment. Sacred prostitute/reverance to beauty......Or Lilith (whose position in the many religious pantheons changed according to the culture; her mythology is a story in itself) known to the Sumerian/ Babylonians as the "Handmaiden of Inanna (Ishtar, Astare, Astarte)".

Body preservation was also, beside physical immortality, a sign of appreciation that they existed, that their soul/spirit were given a body. It was in honor of the body that housed the soul, gave the spirit a home. More often than not Egyptians believed kingdom of the blessed was in heaven; i.e., above, in the sky, w/ fertile fields, hunting, fishing, all things but more so than on Earth. Egyptologists speculate that these people lived a life free of fear (J. A. Wilson, Burden of Egypt, pg145). Thus recent rethinking w/ theory on the pyramid builders: it was done for all. These people lived free of fear -- they led a life of perpetual (timeless?) gratitude. Egypt rose to a level of culture (supportive of individual uniqueness) harkening to ancient past culture of Atlantis.

Ancient Near East conception: To utter name is to create; power of spoken word...! Possession of name = possession of life! Sabatino Moscati, Face of the Ancient Orient, pg 122. And Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt, John Breasted, 1972

The Sun, Ra, became figured primarily in their pantheon of beliefs because it had no equal (polarity); i.e., the Sun was middle or pivot point, the planetary balance point to the seven planetary line-up. Moon/Saturn; Mercury/Jupiter; & Venus/Mars. Moscati refers to arrangement of supreme gods in Heliopolis text: Water, earth, sun, then others in mated couples, pg 121.

Venus/Ankh>the mirroring polarity --of appreciation. Life is endless.


A disease for this generation of ego notoriety; of mis-directed, self-possessed, distorted to the nth degree self-importance. An age of self-destruction & self-hate, fast-food diets, immediate gratification and the death throes of the patriarchal society. In fact AIDS & most immune-related sickness are humanity produced. That is, the lifestyle is dis-ease producing. Cancer, for instance. I propose to explain this view w/ research reports, some theortical, but up-to-date; info on how to lessen the affects of AIDS & most importantly, how to lessen the susceptibility/receptivity.

Our blood is primarily alkaline. Health officals suggest an acid/alkaline balance of 30%/70% (Edgar Cayce sez: 20%/80%). Remember: Alkaline is relaxed, hypo, passive. Acid is sharp, hyper, aggressive.

A lifestyle of stress, worry, pressure, deadlines, traffic jams, noise, commuting, pollution, drugs, lack of sleep, one's general outlook, current feelings of self-worth; a diet of caffine, coffee, nicotine, meat, & processed sugar raise the acidity of the body/blood.

This, in turn, results in a sluggish immune system, lowering our resistance to disease. Sugar and/or stress = acid. Acid = mucus. Mucus clogs the immune system, the lungs & the large intestine paving the way for fever/flu & the common cold; worse, it opens one to a host of other maladies: yeast infection, candida, strep, cancer, AIDS. (Western government's well-meaning attempt to nourish introduced instant milk/"formula" - in Philippines & Africa; i.e., "developing countries" - thus lays foundation for indigenous susceptibility to once naturally-immune diseases; increases body's acidity, etc., etc.)

In an interesting study reported in the Ft. Bragg Advocate-News, Sept, 2 '89 pg 8, col 4, Mark Bednarski of Lawrence Berk Lab's Cen for Advanced Materials & Mark Mastandrea, co-worker use galactose transference, the enzyme or special protein that attaches galactose to glucose on cell membranes making bacteria/virual infection easier. E. coli attached itself to semi-conductors coated w/ certain sugars: Mannose from plants (wine/drugs) and galacose (milk sugar), but not glucose (potatoes, wheat). [Glucose/glycogen/gluten? In rye? Rice?] Infection begins when bacteria or virus attach to mannose or galactose coating cell membranes. Make cells & body vulnerable to disease (E. coli = strep), to cancer, etc., AIDS. The higher the acidity the greater chance for bac/virus attachment and disease.

So......... How can we lessen our intake of processed/refined sugars? How can we lessen stress? -- especially in these times.

Eating whole foods; that is, cook for yourself. Eat nutritionally. A diet of fast food/ junk food, living in the fast lane, will make you "crazy & old before your time" and probably very sick. Look-out for "high fructose corn syrup" (bleech!): Sodas, juice drinks; e.g., Ocean Spray. Get rest; plenty of Vit-C (good for the adrenals, and is very similar to glucose); B-Complex for nerves/sensitivity. B-1, B-2 & potassium alleviates craving for alcohol and decrease your processed sugar intake. B-2 helps break down & assimulate carbos, proteins, & fats. Potassium boosts the efficency of the entire carbo system, combining w/ glucose to produce glycogen, thus it also enhances our sense of being "fed" -- nutured. This constitutes a powerful change in attitude: No craving, no looking outside ourselves for nuturance. No gimme, gimme, gimme. Kids eat candy because......

In astrology the immune system, the lymph system is ruled by Neptune & Pisces. So too the Spleen, producer of various blood cells; e.g., white, is ruled by Neptune & Virgo. Virgo correlates to the Pancreas and its production of insulin & glycogen. Virgo also has rulership of the innerworkings of the Liver, generally ruled by Jupiter, its enzyme production and storage of glycogen. Virgo/Neptune seem to be the bridge between the blood sugar/cravings and lymph/mucus. A prominently placed Pisces/Virgo or Neptune in the horoscope indicates a weakened constitution & a susceptibility to illness, especially through the lymph glands/system. Thus, too much refined sugar can throw-off kelter insulin production and/or white blood cell production.

Therefore, a lifestyle of good food; i.e., more veggies, fruits, grains & bread than meat; rest, fresh air, sunshine & a positive attitude (at least about yourself) is sound advice whether you're well or ill or whether you're diagnosised w/ AIDS, cancer or the common cold.

Related info: The American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology, Eileen Nauman, ACS Pub. & Spontaneous Healing, Andrew Weil, M.D., Knopf


I've always enjoyed expanding the immediate scope of my knowledge. During the early 80's my education went by steps -- learning one subject, building on it to the next subject -- from herbology to astrology to medical astrology to Chinese medicine. Contemplating these subjects, I began to formulate connections, bridges of information between facets of similarity. The end result, which literally blends East & West, is a system of cross-reference for diagnosis and treatment.

In astrology there are 12 signs, in 5-element theory there are 12 meridians, thus a possibility, an opportunity presents itself. Taking a class in Chinese Medicine, 5-element theory, Barefoot Doctor, Food as Medicine the instructor passed along data concerning the 12 cell salts of homeopathic treatments and their meridian counterpart:

Heart               Sm Intestine        Bladder           Kidney
Magnes phosphor     Kali sulphuricum    Natrum phosphor   Calcar sulphurica

Circul/sex/pericar  Triple warmer       Gallbladder       Liver
Silicea             Calcar phosphor     Natrum muriatic   Ferrum phosphor

Lung                Large Intestine     Stomach           Spleen/Pancreas
Kali phosphoric     Natrum sulphur      Kali muriaticum   Calcarea florica

This provided a link between East & West. Taking into account Eileen Nauman's reference work regarding cell salts and Astrology (the American Book of Nutrition and Medical Astrology, pp. 252-7), we arrive at this conclusion:

Heart             Sm Intestine          Bladder           Kidney
Leo yes           Virgo yes             Libra             Scorpio

Cir/sex/peri      Triple warmer         Gallbladder       Liver
Sagittarius       Capricorn             Aquarius          Pisces yes

Lung              Large Intestine       Stomach           Sp/Pan
Aries             Taurus                Gemini            Cancer
But this is not the only method of cross-reference: Place the 5-pointed elemental star of Chinese medicine over the natal horoscope. The top point of the star should be in sync w/ the midheaven of the chart. The points count off in 72° cusps (5X72=360). The 5 points represent standard identification. The top point is FIRE, next to the right is EARTH, down to the right another 72° is METAL, then WATER, and on up to WOOD. What one regards is planetary placement -- at these points are there too many (+3), not enough, or none? Give about a 3° orb. Too many planets, the element or related organ are over acting -- yang; none, may be yin. It's the psycho/emotional states that denote this system. They are your first & final directives. A correlated list is as follows:
FIRE Joy, laughter: too much or not enough; manic-depressive, up & down emo's
     Heart  Insight & understanding
     Sm Int  Separate pure food from unpure food
     Cir/Sex/Peri  Psychological need for pleasure
     Tri Warm  Hot & cold emo's; shows phys imbalance of respir, digest, & elim

EARTH Complusive worry, sympathy & obsession
     Sp/Pan  Transport & distrib of energy
     Stom  Receives & assimulates

METAL Sadness, grief, sorrow
     Lungs  Regulates rhythmic order of nature
     Lar Int  Storage, elim. change

WATER Fear & will power
     Kidney  Storage for chi
     Bladder  Adaptable & flexible

WOOD Anger, depression: too much or repressed
     Liver  Thinking & strategic planning
     Gallbladder  Decisions & judgement
Examples in use: A male client birthdate 12-23-21 Libra rising has Jupiter, Moon, & North Node on the WOOD element. I asked if he had liver problems. Though he is not a heavy drinker, not an alcoholic, he raised his eyebrows in disbelief saying he had an enlarged liver. I considered it an easy call, since Capricorn would have some connection to the Gallbladder. I suggested WOOD foods and emotional expression. This person also lacked planets at the FIRE & EARTH points thus confirmed by the hot & cold emo's (alcoholic-like) and an uneasy stomach (B-1 deficient/hydro- chloric acid process) -- which in turn augments the craving for alcoholic beverages, emotional instability and unexplained irritability.

Another example: Female birthdate 1-26-63 triple Aquarius. Moon & Saturn at WOOD point. This client had trouble thinking and making judgements, though at times judged herself severely. Venus at the FIRE point: her emotions blew hot & cold; raving or raging, loud and sometimes harmful (to herself), she was receiving Lithium -- bi-polar/manic-depressive (not my diagnosis, her psychiatrist). He monitored her amount according to her symptoms and its side-effects. She wanted to take as little as possible, she didn't appreciate the flatten feeling or lack thereof. I suggested she supplement her diet of cigarettes and coffee with the four basic food groups. Once implemented, it helped a bit.

There are more examples but it's all the same, please give this a go & let me know.

Related info: See Food as Medicine

Standard Astrological and Nutritional Profiles available.

<‡< geophysical phenomena >‡>


This article was written in 1990

Have an earthquake? No thanks, I just had one. Oh boy. It's no laughing matter, earthquakes strike suddenly with little or no warning. California natives or those who've been here awhile don't give it much thought. If we did, who'd live here? I suppose that's part of the craziness that literally permeates the air; the ever-constant geological tension/stress that intuitively/ psychically/unconsciously is a slice of everyday life. It is this and the 7.1 earthquake (E.Q.) of Oct. 17, 1989, centered in the Santa Cruz mountains of California whereby 63 persons perished, that induces the writing of this article.

A number of geological factors must be in place before an earthquake is imminent: Portions of a major faultline, such as the San Andreas, or minor faults such as the Whitter or Hayward that have not shown activity are potential timebombs. Portions in constant movement continually let-off pressure and thus lessen the potential. Another factor: Is the area geologically susceptible to building-up sub-surface pressure? Though the San Andreas runs through portions of northern California the E.Q. factor is low. Could it be the various geysers and thermal vents of Lake County offer a geophysical relief valve? See Press Demo 9/2/94.

In the realm of Astrology, earthquake forecasting/predicting is not new. Its beginnings have simply lied dormat, except for an occasional twist, yawn, or flinch, in the science of Geodetics: The science of consigning a Zodiacal rulership to the world's geographical regions. It's VERY basic and simple. Starting with 0° longitude at Greenwich (London), England, that's 0° Aries; moving easterly to 30° longitude, that's 0° Taurus; and soforth on around. San Francisco's Bay Area lies at approx. 122° west longitude, which is Geodetically late Scorpio; 0° Sagittarius being to the east at 120° west longitude. (Looking at a world map makes this easier to follow.) With Scorpio on the M.C. (Midheaven) longitudinally, we find Capricorn on the Ascendent. In southern California, east of 120°, it switches to Sagittarius on the M.C. and Aquarius rising. That fits, doesn't it?

Since 1986 I have been erecting E.Q. charts in search of a pattern. This is what I've found: The Geodetic, planetary ruler is generally conjunct or square a house cusp at the moment of the quake For example, in southern Calif the Geodetic planetary rulers would be Jupiter (Sagittarius on the M.C.) and Uranus (Aquarius on the Asc.). Observing the E.Q. charts (Koch house system) for July 9, 1986 - Sept. 30, 1986, in no less than 6 times does Uranus in Sagittarius conjunt or square the 2, 5, or 8; Jupiter in Pisces, 3 times. Sometimes together: Uranus in the 2nd sqauring the 5th with Jupiter in the 5th squaring the 8th. Occasionally there's the odd, but powerful exception like that of July 21, 1986 in S. California. 4.0 on the Richter scale with Moon in Aquarius on the 5th, Neptune in Capricorn on the 4th, Saturn in Sagittarius on the 3rd, and Pluto in Scorpio on the 2nd. All within 8 minutes of the quake.

Another example from around the world. Oct 19 (!), 1986, an 8.1 at Kermadec Islands, northeast of New Zealand. Geodetic, planetary ruler: Venus (Libra/M.C.) and Jupiter (Sagittarius/Asc.). Thus, Jupiter is just about to conjunct the 5th. However, what's truly interesting, not 16 minutes before, Venus had conjunct the Asc., along with Mercury, Uranus conjunct the 2nd, and Mars conjunct the I.C.! Taking into account that once we westwardly cross the 180° meridian the planetary rulers become Mercury (Virgo/M.C.) and Mars (Scorpio/Asc.) we begin to comprehend the validty of this system.

Some other points I'd like to mention; let's call them secondary factors. One of these is the Moon; whose influence is not only as noted above, but many times in aspect to Mercury: Usually sextile, sometimes trine or inconjunct (quincunx). What this means I can only speculate, though mythology might hold the key. The Moon by its watery nature is associated with the vegetation cycle (ask anyone who plants by the Moon). This relation dates back to humanity's primal beginnings of consciousness to observation. To the Ancient Near East, the Moon was known as Baal, the storm god. He was also thought as the manifestation and right-hand man of Ea or El, the nameless, the One god of all. We today call him Hermes or Mercury; hence, Mercury is neuter, being neither masculine nor feminine. Mercury's glyph bears the horned headdress, or divine crown. See "Head of a Goddess", BAR Mar/Apr '88 Vol XIV #2, pg 31. Possibly these two primordial gods of NATURE have more of an interrelationship than many of us would suspect.

Another interesting idea recently brought to my attention: Some say that New and Full Moons are an instigator to earthquakes. Are they implying gravitational influence? Possibly. So, along with that come high tides. High tides don't sound like a big deal, but when we consider the WEIGHT of the displaced sea water we're compelled to step back a few paces and reassess our thinking. Crazy, you say? Ridiculous? Then consider this: An average gallon of water weighs approx. 7 pounds, sea water slightly more. And no, I'm not implying this is "the" answer, but maybe, just maybe one of the geological factors. The Whittier quake of Oct. '87 was during a period of high tide. THE OCTOBER 17th, 1989 BAY AREA QUAKE occured on the day of the highest tide. (Believe it or not!) See Press Demo 11/7/89. So, let's look at the chart: Right away we see Moon trine Mercury. Remember, this area is geodetically Scorpio or Pluto, co-ruled by Mars. Thus not four minutes prior, Pluto in Scorpio had ever-so-secrectly squared the 6/12 cusp. And sweet, little Mars squares the infamous 5/11 within the four minutes following the quake.

For aspects, there's enough here for anyone to choke on: Mercury square Jupiter, Venus inconjunct Jupiter, Jupiter oppose Saturn/Neptune, Moon oppose Venus, and Moon inconjunct Saturn/Neptune. Note: Moon/Saturn aspect -- area of E.Q. is geodetically Capricorn/Saturn rising -- aspect occured approx. one hour prior to E.Q.

As can be seen, Pluto, spectre of transformational living, is slowly making its presence known.. This could prove geophysically exciting for the westrn U.S. and Canada. In fact, the entire area generally between 120° and 150° West longitude; because this area has Scorpio geodetically on the M.C. I'll further explain the cause of this activity by example of natural science.

Pluto produces a path about the Sun that is both extremely eliptical and highly inclined. So much so, that for a short period of 20 years, 1979-1999, Pluto's orbit is actually closer to the Sun than Neptune could ever dream of achieveing. Thus Pluto is now closer to the Sun/Earth than any other time in its approx. 254 year orbit. As a result, we are experiencing the full power of Pluto free from Neptune's veil of obsurity.

In addition, I'd like to call your attention to one last but important detail: And that concerns Transpluto. As the name implies: Beyond Pluto. Transpluto has been a favorite of the European astrologers; extensively researched psychically and on paper. Like Pluto, it personifies the sudden, explosive nature of volcanos and earthquakes and has shown-up in a number of E.Q. charts: Conjunct or trine the Asc. or conjunct the I.C.; various touchy places like that. Astrologically, its current position is approx. 22° Leo. (Are you baby-boomers having fun yet?)

In light of the aforementioned, I truly feel and believe those geographic areas ruled geodetically by the Fixed signs (are you listening California?) will experience not necessarily a greater regularity of earthquakes, but more noticably, an increase of intensity. I do not believe in a BIG ONE, but many Large Ones. See Press Demo 12/1/92 & 1/18/94. I do expect "for all hell to break loose", earthquakes of a more severe nature. See S. F. Chronicle 9/18/94 & Press Demo 5/5/95. But I don't expect California to fall into the ocean. There WILL be long-lasting, moumental reforms in the area of "power" usage. And sure there's a positive side to all this, ask anyone who's had a Pluto transit.

Finally, I suggest we do our best to keep a positive frame of mind. Stay loose, travel light. Nature's in a continual dance of balance and flux; embrace that. But I tell ya, someone could make BIG BUCKS selling portable doorways.

Prediction Parameters

Geodetic planetary ruler conjunct or sqaure 2, 5, 8, (Koch house cusps)
Moon sextile Mercury (maybe trine)
High tide
Full/New Moon

Geographic areas ruled geodetically by the Fixed signs: 30° - 60° East (Taurus) & West (Aquarius) long. and 120° - 150° East (Leo) & West (Scorpio) long.

Chart Data used in this article:

7-9-86      221a       12Mi NW Palm Springs    6.0
 -13-       646a       Solana Beach            5.3
 -20-       730a       Bishop                  5.5
 -21-       742/51a      "                     6.1/5.2
  "         1120a      Oceanside               4.0
  "         300p       Bishop                  5.1
9-30-86     253a       27Mi SW Oceanside       4.2
10-19-86    654a       Kermadec Islands        8.1
10-1-87     742a       Whittier, CA            6.1
10-17-89   504/41p    37°x122° Santa Cruz Mt   7.1/5.2 (11Mi deep)
  -19-Th    315a         "           "         5.0 (Maj. Solar flare)
  -20-      7p ±         "           "         5.0		
11-1-	   950p/1203a      "           "         4.4/3.7

6-21-90    1230a           50Mi NW Rasht          7.3-7.7
200 Aftershocks    4.2 early Sat    60 aftersk 5.7 Sun    22 aftersk 5.5 Mon
39°N x 48°E  48-30=18° Taurus!   36°N x 52°E  52-30=22° Taurus!  Pluto oppose.
4-25-92    1106a           Petrolia               6.9
 -26-     1242a/418a       Rio Dell               6.0/6.5
6-28-92  458a/804a/643p    Landers/Big Bear/BB       7.4/6.5/5.4
1-15-93      ?             Kushiro, Hokkaido, Japan  7.8
7-12-93  1017/1136p/112a   50Mi W Hakkaido, Japan    7.8/5.4/6.3
1-17-94     431a           Northridge (L.A.) 30 sec  6.6 (10Mi deep)
   "      440a/1245p           "                     5.0/5.1  + aftshks
 -19-       ???                "                     4.4/5.1/5.1
1-24-                          "                     314 aftershocks 3.0+
1-29-	    320/416a             "                     5.0/4.2
1-17-95  546a (1246PST M)  Kobe  6.2Mi below       7.2(6.8) 10 aftshks w/in 3wks

Note pattern of OCT/JAN/APR/JULY?

Related info: Geodetic Equivalents by Sepharial, AFA Pub., Tempe, AZ; "Pole Shifts", Scientific America, Feb. '84, why & how they occur; & "Calif. Earthquakes", National Geo., Apr. '95. Check this out: Californians for E.Q. Prevention & Climatic Improvement (415-995-2977).

Enter here for more E.Q. reports (date, place, time, magnitude). Prepare for data dumpload. Wheeee.........